A North Carolina woman named Quantina Moore-Perry pleaded guilty to wire fraud last week for stealing $412,000 worth of merchandise from television retailer QVC in 2005. She discovered and exploited a bug in QVC's online ordering system, where she would still receive the merchandise without being charged if she canceled the order immediately after placing it. She would then sell the items on eBay.
From March to November of that year, over 1,800 items were delivered to her house by what we imagine must be the world's least curious UPS driver in the country. (You'd think he'd grow suspicious after, say, the 900th delivery that summer.) Apparently QVC never caught on to the scam, but Moore-Perry's good times came to an end when two women in Alabama contacted QVC after they grew suspicious about the items they purchased from her through eBay.
A shopping network with lots of female hosts, a lady con artist, and two private citizens (both women of course) from the south who crack the case—this totally sounds like a great idea for a Lifetime movie. We just can't decide which character Jean Smart should play.
[via philly.com]