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It is tough to wrap your brain around how much money it is, so we've tried to put things in perspective for you. (All figures are estimates)
1. You could buy 13 new Citi Fields for EACH COUNTY in the state of New York
2. You could buy braces for everyone in Great Britain.....and France!
3. You could buy all 32 NFL teams - 27 times.
4. 2 cups of Starbucks every day for a year for every person in Brazil
5. Gasoline for a year for every adult in America. (175 billion gallons of gas)
6. You could literally buy the world a Coke. One 2-liter bottle per week for a year.
7. You could buy a 60-inch HDTV for every man, woman and child in the U.S.
8. Sounds like Monopoly money? It should. You could buy 10 Monopoly games for each of the 6.7 billion human beings on planet earth.
9. You could buy 7 Mac laptops for every school-age child in U.S.
10. You could buy every resident of Suffolk County a median priced home.
11. Rolex watches – you could buy 1 for every woman in the U.S.
12. You could buy everyone in America 2200 McDonalds apple pies.
13. Disney tickets – 18 (3-day) passes to Disney for the entire U.S. population
14. 202 T-mobile G1 mobile phones for every resident of New York state.
15. You could buy 373 basketballs for every child in the U.S.
16. 2 years of Newsday subscriptions for every person in China.
17. You could buy a brand new Hummer for each of the 11 million people on the island of Cuba
18. You could buy 2 mountain bikes for everyone in China
19. You could buy every winner of the MTV Video Music Awards 10,000 Lear Jets
20. You could buy 438 pounds of rice for every single person in Africa.
21. You could buy 200 four-packs or Play-Doh for every child under 14 on the planet
22. You could buy 400 trees for every one of the 7 million homes in the state of Florida
23. You could buy a Caribbean Island for every single person in the state of South Dakota.
24. 1.5 million lightbulbs for every person in Alaska
25. 604 rounds of golf on Bethpage's Black Course for everyone in New York. [via newsday]
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