If you find yourself in one of those moods where you just “have to have it”, and end up in the store staring at it, talk to yourself about it. List all the reasons you want it (want, not need), and all the reasons you don’t want or need it...
Too pricey, have to dust it, won’t use it that often, no place to put it, don’t have the money, don’t want to use credit card, anything to talk yourself down and get out of there without whatever it was you thought you wanted.
I have done this many times, and it really works. I even sometimes talk myself out of things I thought I really needed, but didn’t, I had something at home that would work, or I just needed it ONE time, or something like that. Try it You’ll Like IT.
Nothing like a little dose of rationality to chase the spendthrifties away. What mind games do you find yourself playing to keep yourself from spending? [via consumerist]