Davis, who made the squad while still officially in high school, was seen in photographs drawing on the body of an unknown passed out male with a sharpie pen along with another girl. The persons body has several written references to penises, drawings of the little devil (the penis that is) and several visable references to Jews and at least one drawing of a sawsticka.
The photos (after the jump) came to light through a blog, onblastatlast.com, which posted them and then it was picked up by Deadspin. When the Patriots became aware of the scandal Davis was called in and dismissed from the squad.
Some feel Davis would have been given a pass on penis drawings and the like but with all that the Kraft family does with the Anti-Defamation League once the swasticka’s and the Jewish references were brought into the picture they had no choice but to let her go.
Davis, a former Foxboro High cheerleader, is scheduled to attend Johnson and Wales University in Providence RI in the Fall of 2009 as a Fashion Design and Retail Marketing major . In an interview this summer with the Sun Chronicle she lists “community appearances ” as a reason for wanting to be a Patriots cheerleader.
It’s kind of ironic that on her Patriots online profile, which we saved prior its removal by the team, she lists the Lindsay Lohan movie “Mean Girls” as one of her favorite flicks. The premise of the movie is about a group of uber popular girls who make life miserable for the other girls in school in how they treat them and act towards them.
Ed. Note: Another graduating high school senior, Becca Lewis of Methuen, had also made the squad this season but there is no profile for her amongst the cheerleaders. I want to note that there is no evidence that she or any other Patriots cheerleader were involved with Davis. At this time I can not find any references to why Lewis’ profile is non-existent on the Patriots Cheerleaders webpage. The squad in the past has carried 24 cheerleaders and currently stands at 22.
The Patriots did not respond to a request for comment. [via soxanddawgs]