The PETA ad "Veggie Love" has lingerie models frolicking amid broccoli and pumpkins with a tagline saying that "Studies Show Vegetarians Have Better Sex."
PETA says NBC's vp advertising standards Victoria Morgan rejected the ad because it "depicts a level of sexuality exceeding our standards."
Adds an NBC spokesperson: "The ad was rejected because it did not conform with our standards."
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This means NBC is refusing to air an ad promoting a healthy diet, yet Budweiser will be the top Bowl advertiser for the ninth year running.
Of course, for PETA, being banned is arguably just as effective publicity as NBC actually airing its Super Bowl ad -- and a heckuva lot cheaper, too. Sources say NBC suspects the ad was deliberately created to be rejected by the network ("they knew this would never fly," one insider says).
PETA asked NBC what it would take for the commercial to air. NBC suggested the following cuts be made::12- :13- licking pumpkin
:13- :14- touching her breast with her hand while eating broccoli
:19- pumpkin from behind between legs
:21- rubbing pelvic region with pumpkin
:22- screwing herself with broccoli (fuzzy)
:23- asparagus on her lap appearing as if it is ready to be inserted into vagina
:26- licking eggplant
:26- rubbing asparagus on breast