Oh, there are plenty.
But these particular streets, roads, avenues and boulevards happen to have some of the worst names in the world.
To those unfortunate souls who live on these streets or whole towns, we're sorry.
Sluthole Lane
Norfolk. UK
You don't want to live here if your not a slut.
Grope Lane
in Shrewsbury, UK
Gropecunt Lane was a name used in English-speaking towns and cities in the Middle Ages for streets where prostitutes conducted their business. At one point there were streets of this name in many cities in Britain and Ireland, though in most cases later sensibilities changed the name to some more polite variation.
Cause Groping is better than gropecunting.
Morning Wood Lane
Antioch, TN, USA
Where the living is large but stiff.
Booger Branch Rd
Pickens County, South Carolina, USA
A town called Pickens has to have at least one booger right?
Psycho Path
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
Psycho Path was recently voted the strangest street name by participants in a Mitsubishi Motors survey.
Butts Wynd
St. Andrews, Scotland
Golfers know to stand well North and upwind of this street.
Washington State, USA
Population: 216 (2000 census)
To much time humping tulips and not each other.
Dingleberry Road
Iowa City, Iowa, USA
The street that's paved with little nuggets of fecal memories.
Massachusetts, USA
Belchertown lies adjacent to the Quabbin Reservoir, one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the country.
Cause when you drink a lot of water you tend to belch.
Lick Avenue
San Jose, California, USA
Start on the North end of this street and work your way down.
Slowly.....yeah, that's it.
Broomrape Lane
Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA
Lake Hayasu City is home to the world-famous London Bridge.
According to the GoLakeHavasu.com, it is a water lover's paradise and a desert lover's dream.
Sometime's folks, love hurts. A lot.
SWEDEN! (not Germany)
Look out Captain, Assberg, dead ahead!
Not to be outdone by SWEDEN, it's
Fucking, Austria.
Fucking is an Austrian village in the municipality of Tarsdorf, 33 km north of Salzburg.
The town's welcome sign is always being stolen.
I hope they catch those fucking kleptomaniacs.
Oh yeah, then there's the corner of Church and Gay streets
in Nashville or/and Knoxville TN, USA.
Hope you enjoyed this little tour of the world.
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