Well, either this story will make you laugh or cringe (or both).
According to the Arizona Daily Star, Tucson-area cable TV broadcasted porn during the Super Bowl:
A short clip of a pornographic movie cut into a Comcast broadcast of the Super Bowl in homes in and around Tucson. Officials at Comcast confirmed that its signal was interrupted during the Super Bowl, but the company is still working to figure out how porn broke into its cable feed. Engineers at Comcast will be working throughout the night to determine what happened, said Kelle Maslyn, a Comcast spokeswoman.
Well, this would certainly top the infamous Janet Jackson / Justin Timberlake flash from a few years back. I suppose that it could have been worse, too (imagine if the interruption had been a full-on Rick Roll).
This report also states that Comcast’s digital feed was untouched - only the analog / standard TV signal was affected. Let this be a lesson to you laggards: UPGRADE TO DIGITAL, ALREADY.
Obviously, Comcast will have to answer a very important question: how the heck did this happen?! They’ve been accused of traffic shaping, but now they’re going to be accused of broadcasting immorality? Well, traffic shaping IS immoral…
Anyway, I’m sure the amount of complaints were equal: 50% complained that it happened, and 50% complained that they didn’t show enough. Mitch Wagner from Information Week wrote more on the subject.
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