An Indonesian man has been given compensation after a cigarette he was smoking exploded, taking out six teeth.
[via bbc, thanks to Amit for submitting this story]
Andi Susanto, 31, told Indonesian media the cigarette had blown up in his mouth while he was riding a motorcycle.
He accepted a payment of 5m rupiah ($535; £335) and all his medical costs from PT Nojorono Tobacco, makers of the brand of cigarette he was smoking.
Police are investigating what caused the blast, but Mr Susanto said he would try to give up smoking now anyway.
He told the Jakarta Post newspaper he had been smoking since he was a schoolboy and had never had any problems.
"The incident was all so unexpected," he said.
He told Metro TV the company had talked to his family and agreed to "settle it amicably" with an out-of-court settlement.
A spokesman for Clas Mild cigarettes, the brand Mr Susanto had been smoking, said there were no plans for a recall.
"We are communicating with the police and still waiting on the forensic laboratory tests," Iwan Sulistyo told the Jakarta Globe.
"We do not put any strange materials in the cigarettes, so we think that this is a weird case. This is the first time for us."
Indonesia has one of the highest smoking rates in the world, with more than 60% of men smoking regularly.
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