4. Motorized Cone
Some people are just too lazy to rotate their cone when eating ice cream. Hence, the motorized cone. Genius, right?
5. Wine Glass Holder Necklace
How do you walk with this hanging from your neck without spilling your wine?
6. Inflatable Toast
Some of us are so unfortunate that we don't have big lunch bags. In fact, there are some of us that have no lunch bags. Thankfully, we have inflatable toasts that we can just stuff in our back pockets.
10. Spaghetti Twirler
Another wonderful product for the guy who can't rotate his own ice cream cone.
13. Half Deck
I have always found card games boring. I feel that these will definitely make them more interesting.
15. Pratone Grass Chair
You pay more than $14,000 for this. I think I'll just go and sit on my yard.
17. Global Warming Rug
Now that is just depressing. Especially because I'm sure the polar bear will be terrorized by my cat.
21. Immersion Scarf
Because you will be so inconspicuous with this, no one will ever think of taking a peek at your phone's screen.
22. Boyfriend Arm Pillow

I don't know about you but I would be creeped out with this on my bed.
24. Beer Bra
This is in production. I will be okay with this if they come up with a refrigerated beer bra.
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